
What are Orthotics?

Foot orthotics are shoe inserts designed to support, align or improve the function of the foot.

Although there are many types of orthotics available, the ones recommended by our Podiatrists are prescription devices, custom made to suit your individual needs and biomechanics (the way you move).

Orthotics are recommended for people of all ages with a variety of foot and lower leg problems, such as Heel Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, or Fallen Arches, to name a few. They provide long term solutions in the treatment and prevention of corns, callouses and ulceration by redistributing the pressure of the body’s weight on the feet. They can also help rehabilitation of chronic conditions such a tendonitis, recurrent ankle sprains and stress fractures by providing consistent postural support.

We offer a comprehensive assessment, taking into account your own biomechanics, footwear, occupational and lifestyle factors to determine whether Orthotics are suitable for you. If orthotics are recommended, we will discuss with you the costs involved, the type of orthotic you have been prescribed, proposed footwear options, lifestyle changes that may be needed and any additional treatment that may be required.

Which Orthotic is right for me?

Cushioning orthotics provide cushioning and padding under foot with shock absorption during walking.

Pressure relief orthotics provide additional relief by redistributing the pressure of problem areas of the foot.

Moulded cast or non-cast orthotics offer similar features with a superior fit:

  • Prefabricated (non-cast) orthotics provide relief and are heat moulded to your foot by our podiatrist.
  • Functional or customised kinetic (cast) orthotics offer the added benefit of postural realignment and durability. Your foot is cast in plaster by our podiatrist and the casts used to make orthotics that are custom made to your prescription.
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